Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What Is The Punishment For Breaking Confidentiality What Is The Legal Punishment For Breaking Medical Confidentiality Laws?

What is the legal punishment for breaking medical confidentiality laws? - what is the punishment for breaking confidentiality

A friend of mine was a man from. A girl I knew from high school when my friend said, and left a message. "Hey, I heard that Cody made. Just so you know, my aunt works in family planning, and it was an STD."

Aunt apparently broken HIPAA. Could it be that the penalty had they been caught?

I was recently sexually abused are infected with a venereal disease. I thought to go, family planning, but I'm hesitant because of this experience with my boyfriend. Not comply with HIPAA and the physician's office, too?


  1. There is no punishment for HIPAA, you have a civil action for damages.

  2. There is no punishment for HIPAA, you have a civil action for damages.

  3. This is not a crime, deeply, deeply ethical, I can do nothing. Second, the physician the right to all women by the trivialization of the health information has become infected, and sometimes the power to keep the hospital if WAN or not is a good low.they Wat have to be done to turn transmitted to the dizzying social
